WRIA 54 West Plains wells (0)
Deep-Coulee Flow Measurements (1)
Chamokane USGS study wells (2)
Geologic Cross Sections (3)
General Paleodrainage Boundary (4)
Wanapum Basalt Water Level Contours (5)
Grande Ronde Basalt Water Level Contours (6)
Paleo drainage contours (7)
| 1650 |
| 1700 |
| 1750 |
| 1800 |
| 1850 |
| 1900 |
| 1950 |
| 2000 |
| 2050 |
| 2100 |
| 2150 |
| 2200 |
| 2250 |
| 2300 |
| 2350 |
| 2400 |
Coulee Creek Seepage Run (8)
| gaining |
| losing |
Deep Creek Seepage Run (9)
Upper aquifer water level contours (10)
Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (11)
| high susceptibility to contamination |
| moderate susceptibility to contamination |
| low susceptibility to contamination |
Chamokane Upper Aquifer Extent (12)
Chamokane Lower Aquifer Extent (13)
Chamokane Surficial Hydrogeologic Units (14)
| bedrock |
| basalt |
| landslide unit |
| upper outwash aquifer |
Chamokane Surficial Geology (15)
| Alluvial deposits |
| Glacial outburst flood deposits |
| Glaciofluvial deposits |
| Glacial deposits, undifferentiated |
| Glacial till |
| Loess |
| Mass-wasting deposits |
| Basalt |
| Bedrock |
Upper aquifer thickness (16)
| Less than 50 |
| 101 - 150 |
| 51 - 100 |
| Greater than 150 |
Confining unit thickness (17)
| 0 - 150 |
| 151 - 300 |
| Greater than 300 |
Primary Water Bearing Units (18)
| Basalt |
| SVRP |
| Sand&Gravel |
| basement |
| insuffic_data |
Estimated Well Yield (19)
| 1 - 2.50 |
| 2.51 - 5.00 |
| 5.01 - 7.50 |
| 7.51 - 10.00 |
| 10.01 - 15.00 |
| 15.01 - 20.00 |
| 20.01 - 25.00 |
| 25.01 - 50.00 |
| 50.01 - 100.00 |
Estimated Well Depth (20)
| 55 - 100 |
| 101 - 150 |
| 151 - 200 |
| 201 - 250 |
| 251 - 300 |
| 301 - 350 |
| 351 - 400 |
| 401 - 450 |
| 451 - 500 |
| 501 - 550 |
| 551 - 600 |
| 601 - 650 |
| 651 - 880 |
WRIA 54 Boundary (21)