SVRP-USGS study wells (0)
SRHD Nitrate Levels (1)
| 0.00 - 2.50 |
| 2.51 - 5.00 |
| 5.01 - 7.50 |
| 7.51 - 10.00 |
| 10.01 - 15.00 |
| 15.01 - 37.00 |
USGS cross sections (2)
Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (8)
| high susceptibility to contamination |
| moderate susceptibility to contamination |
| low susceptibility to contamination |
Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer (3)
WRIA 57 Boundary (4)
WRIA57 Primary Water Bearing Units (5)
| basalt |
| SVRP aquifer |
| sand and gravel |
| bedrock |
| Insufficient Data |
| clay and silt |
SVRP estimated depth to water (6)
| 13 - 30 |
| 30.1 - 75 |
| 75.1 - 125 |
| 125.1 - 175 |
| 175.1 - 225 |
| 225.1 - 275 |
| 275.1 - 325 |
| 325.1 - 407 |
| 407.1 - 475 |
| 475 - 540 |